片长 : 130 分钟
内容 :
Yoga is many centuries old, but hot yoga, developed only in the 1960s, has already proven a beneficial and popular variation on the ancient art. Hot yoga is a method for working out in rooms heated up to 40c, thus enhancing muscle suppleness and aiding body detoxification.
Warm Up 热身
- Breathing exercise 呼吸运动
- Warm up 热身
- Sun salutation 拜日式
Standing Postures 站立式子
- Breathing exercise 呼吸运动
- Half moon pose 半月式
- Backward bending pose 后弯式
- Forward bending pose 前折式
- Warrior 2 pose 武士式
- Arkward pose 椅式
- Eagle pose 鹰式
- Standing leg rise pose 站立提腿式
- Airplane pose 飞机式
- Standing bow pulling pose 站立拉弓式
- Triangle pose 三角式
- Standing separate leg forward bend 站立分腿前折式
- Twisted standing separate leg forward bend 扭转站立分腿前折式
- Standing forhead to knee 站立分腿前弯式
- Tree pose 树式
Floor Postures 坐卧式子
- Dead man pose 大休息
- Wind relieving pose 放风式
- Thread the needle 穿针引线式
- Hip opening pose 宽盆式
- Sit up 起坐
- Cobra pose 眼镜蛇式
- Bound locust pose 扣手蝗虫式
- Full locust pose 蝗虫式
- Bow pose 卧地拉弓式
- Child's pose 大拜式
- Downward facing dog 狗式
- Fix firm pose 英雄卧式
- Camel pose 骆驼式
- Pigeon pose 鸽子式
- Seated separate leg stretching pose 坐立分腿前折式
- Seated forward bend 坐立前折式
- Bound angle pose 屠夫式
- Spinal twisted pose 坐立扭腰式