Charting the shift in America's sexual mores over the course of three decades, Mike Nichols's thoroughly provocative drama focuses on the bitter experiences of two middle-class American males. Jonathan (Jack Nicholson), a cruel but charismatic misogynist, and Sandy (Art Garfunkel), a bland idealist, meet as roommates at a small New England college in the 1940s. As their friendship progresses through the following decades, their search for the ideal woman leads to failed marriages, bad relationships, and emotional emptiness. Nichols is particularly adept at negotiating the twisted psychological terrain established by acclaimed cartoonist-turned-screenwriter Jules Feiffer. While Nicholson is, as always, fascinating to watch, the supporting women, including Candice Bergen and Ann-Margret, supply the film with its soul. In addition to employing a shadowy film noir technique that underscores the movie's exploration of the uncertainty in relationships, Nichols also shoots CARNAL KNOWLEDGE in long close-