Andrew Lloyd Webber - CAT (US)
(Date: 2006-01-04)
Publisher:Universe Music
Act One:
01. Overture
02. Prologue:Jeillcle Songs For Jellicle Cats
03. The Noming Of Cats
04. The Imitcrtion To The Jellicte Ball
05. The Old Gurble Cat
06. The Rum Tom Tugger
07. Griaabella:The Glamour Cat
08. Bustopher Jones
09. Mungojerrie And Rumpelteazer
10. Old Deuteronomy
11. The Jellicle Ball
12. Grizabella:The Glamour Cat
Act Two:
01. The Maments Of Hoppiness
02. Gus:The Thentre Cat...and more