Renowned adventurer Allan Quatermain (Connery) leads a team of extraordinary figures with legendary powers to battle the technological terror of a madman known as "The Fantom." This "League" comprises seafarer/inventor Captain Nemo (Shah), vampiress Mina Harker (Wilson), an invisible man named Rodney Skinner (Curran), American secret service agent Tom Sawyer (West), the ageless and invincible Dorian Gray (Townsend), and the dangerous split personality of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde (Flemyng).
League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The (Blu-ray Version)[Blu-ray] (Date: 2020-07-01)
Publisher:20th Fox Home Entertainment
No of Disk: 1
Screen Resolution: 1080p
Region Code: A
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), English, Korean, Thai, Bahasa(Malaysia), Spanish, Portuguese
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1,Dolby Digital 2.0,DTS 5.1,DTS-HD Master Audio
Languages: English,Mandarin,Spanish,Portuguese,Russian
Video: NTSC
1080p HD resolution; smart menu / Disc Format: BD50 (50GB) / video compression: AVC
Special Feature :
Theatrical Trailer
Audio Commentary
League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The(2 DISCS)[DVD] (Date: 2003-12-23)
Publisher:20th Fox Home Entertainment
Screen: 1.33:1
No of Disk: 2
Region Code: 3
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Korean, English, Thai, Bahasa(Indonesia)
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1,DTS
Languages: English,Thai
Video: NTSC
- Audio Commentary By Crew - Audio Commentary By Producers and Actors
Disc 2 - Special Features: - ""Matters of Pre-Visualization"" Features - ""Assembling the Leauge"" Making Of - ""Behind the Fantasy"" Featurette - 17 Deleted / Extended Scenes - Trailers / TV Songs - Still Galleries - Subtitle: Chinese, Korean