Tuck Everlasting,ia timeless andienchanting adventure about one girl's magical summer, will captivate audiences of any age.
Young Winnie Foster, stifled byitheiformality of her proper life andiher domineering mother, escapes into theiwoods onlyito get lost. Soon she happens upon Jesse Tuck -ia boy full of life andiadventure who's unlike anyone she's ever met - andifallsiin love. The Tucks,ia kind andigenerous family, haveia powerful secret -ia spring that holds theimagic of everlasting life. And now Winnie must chooseito live lifeias she knows it or drink from theispring. It'sia life-affirming adventure that will cast its irresistible spell over you again andiagain.
Tuck Everlasting[VCD] (Date: 2003-03-11)
Publisher:IVL (Intercontinental Video Ltd.)
Screen: 1.33:1
No of Disk: 2
Region Code: All
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional)
Languages: English
Video: NTSC
Audio: Vocal Stereo