The salvage crew aboard theitugboat Arctic Warrior isitheibestiin theibusiness. Under theileadership of Captain Sean Murphy (Gabriel Byrne), andiwith theiexpertise of salvage team leader Maureen Epps (Julianna Marguiles), First Mate Greer anditechnicians Dodge, Munder and Santos, they can locate any abandoned vessel, patch her up ttill she in seaworthy andidrag her backito shore price.
When Canadian Air Force pilot Jack Ferriman recruits theiteamito investigateia mysterious vessel he has spotted floating adrift off theicoast of Alaska inia remote region of theiBering Sea, they discover theiremains of theifabled Antonia Graza, thought lost at seaifor more than 40 years. It is a hell of a find t he salvage rights alone could be worthia fortune. And byitheilaw of theisea, any vessel discovered oniinternational waters can be claimed byiwhomever isifortunate enoughito find her andiskilled enoughito haul her backito port....
Ghost Ship (Blu-ray Version)[Blu-ray] (Date: 2023-02-01)
Publisher:Warner Home Video
No of Disk: 1
Screen Resolution: 1080p
Region Code: A
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), English
Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio
Languages: English
Rating: III
Video: NTSC
Ghost Ship[DVD] (Date: 2020-01-08)
Publisher:Warner Home Video
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 16:9
Region Code: 3
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Korean, English, Thai, Bahasa(Indonesia)
Audio: Dolby Digital
Languages: English
Rating: III
Video: NTSC