Content: The evils of the streets have overwhelmed the lives of five teenagers. Desperate to reclaim their children from the world of crime and despair, their parents hire a mercenary troop to kidnap their kids and rehabilitate them. Never the end of their grueling training, they discover that one of their leaders is a dangerous killer. The kids are forced to come together as a team using their new survival techniques in order escape with their lives. Now the training is over for this new troop and the real battle has just begun.
Angry Dogs[DVD] (Date: 2000-05-28)
Publisher:Ocean Shores Video Ltd.
No of Disk: 1
Duration: 103 Mins
Screen: 4:3
Region Code: All
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified)
Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0
Languages: English
Video: NTSC