Running Free is the adventurous, inspiring story of a remarkable friendship between a boy and an abandoned young colt named Lucky. In an African mining town, an orphaned servant boy raises a young horse that is destined for a life of hard labour. Together they find the strength to stand up to the cruel plantation owner and his mean-spirited thoroughbred, Caesar; fleeing the destruction of the escalating war, they chase after the freedom they deserve.
Narrated by Lukas Haas (Witness, Mars Attacks!) and starring Jan Decleir (Character, Antonia's Line), Arie Verveen (The Thin Red Line), as well as Chase Moore and Maria Geelbooi in their big-screen debuts. Running Free is a visually stunning, unforgettable tale about the triumph of the human - and equestrian - spirit.
Running Free[VCD] (Date: 2002-08-14)
Publisher:Columbia Tristar Home Video
Screen: 1.33:1
Region Code: All
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional)
Languages: English
Video: NTSC
Audio: Vocal Stereo
Disk No: 2