Included as the third installment of "National Day Celebration" trilogy with My People, My Country (2019) and My People, My Homeland (2020), My Country, My Parents focuses on four Chinese families in four different eras. Combined with 4 stories, through the perspective of "home" and "country", representing several generations of our predecessors' dedication and sacrifice. The whole movie bring back the audiences to the collective memories of our country, as well as the ordinary and great parental affection between every generation.
My Country, My Parents[Blu-ray] (Date: 2022-06-02)
Publisher:Panorama Distributions Co. Ltd.
No of Disk: 1
Screen Resolution: 1080p
Duration: 158 Mins
Screen: 2.40:1
Region Code: A
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), English, Chinese(Simplified)
Audio: Dolby Digital EX,DTS-HD MA 5.1,Dolby TrueHD 5.1
Rating: IIB
Languages: Mandarin
Video: NTSC
My Country, My Parents[DVD] (Date: 2024-01-23)
Publisher:Panorama Distributions Co. Ltd.
No of Disk: 1
Duration: 158 Mins
Screen: 2.40:1
Region Code: 3
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), English, Chinese(Simplified)
Audio: Dolby Digital EX,Dolby Digital 5.1,DTS ES
Rating: IIB
Languages: Mandarin
Video: NTSC