Synopsis: A widower, his daughter and new wife are ready to begin a new life when they move into a peaceful suburban neighborhood. But as strange things begin to happen around them, it becomes clear that something about their seemingly perfect home isn't right. As they learn the deadly secrets of their new house, they risk becoming the next chapter in its horrifying history. Michael Vartan (Bates Motel) and Nadine Velazquez (Major Crimes) star in this psychological thriller that will make you think twice about the next place you live.
WITHIN(2016)[DVD] (Date: 2017-07-28)
Publisher:Warner Home Video
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 2.35:1
Region Code: 3
Duration: 88 Mins
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), English, Thai
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
Languages: English, Thai
Rating: IIA
Video: NTSC