Gantz I Kurono (Kazunari Ninomiya), a college student looking for employment after graduation, sees his childhood friend Kato (Kenichi Matsuyama) on a subway platform. Kato, who has a strong sense of justice, tries to help a drunk who falls onto the train tracks, but he and Kurono, who jumps in to help him, get run down by an oncoming train. In the next instant, they are teleported to a strange apartment. In the room, there is a big black sphere with an unusually powerful presence, and surrounding it are Suzuki (Tomorowo Taguchi) and some other people. Suddenly, round slices of a human body appear in front of the confused Kurono and Kato. The slices combine and form into a naked woman, Kishimoto (Natsuna). It appears that Kurono and Kato have been teleported to this room in the same fashion. Wearing the suits and armed with weapons given to them by GANTZ, the bewildered Kurono and the others are teleported to the battlefield where they must fight the aliens. What exactly is GANTZ? Is this reality? What's the purpose of the aliens?
The "People who should be dead" are teleported to a mysterious apartment by the black sphere GANTZ. GANTZ summons and scores them for killing aliens. When they earn 100 points, they are given the option of being freed or reviving any deceased person. After adapting to combat against mysterious aliens, Kurono (Ninomiya Kazuya) vows to make it out of his unusual situation alive. He continues to fight in an attempt to bring Kato (Matsuyama Kenichi) back from the dead after he loses his life in a fierce battle. However, he receives an order to exterminate Kojima Tae (Yoshitaka Yuriko), the girl for whom he has a strong feeling, and becomes caught up in a struggle between humans.