2PM's Nichkhun makes his Chinese drama debut as the leading man in One and a Half Summer! The youthful idol drama follows Zhang Hao (Nichkhun), a Chinese-American who returns to China for university because he wants to find Shu Qi (singer-actress Yu Wenwen), a Chinese student he met and fell in love with while on vacation in Greece. Along the way, he befriends fellow students Luo Man (Xu Lu, Love In Spring) and Li Xiu Qi (Jiang Jinfu, Scarlet Heart 2), and they form a band with Zhang Hao as lead singer. Over time, the tomboyish and feisty Luo Man starts to develop feelings for Zhang Hao; on the other hand, Xiu Qi realizes he has feelings for Luo Man. Miss A's Jia also co-stars as a fellow student.