One of the most anticipated Chinese television events of 2014, Battle of Changsha is based on renowned author Que Que's novel and recounts the Second Sino-Japanese War through the eyes of a teenage girl who grows up in the midst of war.
In 1938, Wuhan fell to the Japanese army and the people of Changsha believed they would be next. As part of their plan to protect their beloved teenage twins, the Hu family attempts to marry female twin Xiangxiang (Yang Zi, King Rouge) off to Gu Qingming (Wallace Huo, Swordsman), a young military officer who recently returned from overseas to defend Changsha. Initially, it seems as if nothing resembling romance could ever blossom between the headstrong Xiangxiang and the arrogant Qingming, but the two eventually fall in love. Together, they must try to endure the many brutal horrors of war and resist the forces trying to pull them apart.