Nick Twisp, a 16-year-old teen, who is forced to spend a week in "cabin" in a trailer park which isn't a cabin, it's a trailer. While staying the week there, Nick meets the girl of his (wet) dreams, Sheeni. Nick, a lonely virgin, who hasn't kissed, held hands, or had sex with a girl. Sheeni and Nick suddenly become intimate and Sheeni admits her really tall, sexy, French, poet, and extremely smart boyfriend. While his mother and step-father where looking for a new trailer, Sheeni and Nick purchase a dog using a Subway coupon. The dog, Albert (pronounced Al-beare), is suddenly know as their love child. Sheeni is forced to get rid of Albert because of sins (of ripping up a bible), Nick takes Albert to live with him. Nick and Sheeni make a plan to stay together. Nick must be bad, SuperBad, to be able to live by Sheeni. When they arrive home, Jerry, Nick's Step-Father, dies of a heart attack. His mother begins to date a cop. Nick decides that he must get to Sheeni as possible.