"Drop" tells the story of a boy named Hiroshi Shinanogawa, who grew up in the 1980s. He became inspired by the Be-Bop High School manga and decided to become a delinquent. Hiroshi dropped out of a private middle school and transferred to a public school There he joins up with a delinquent gang.
Drop[VCD] (Date: 2011-09-09)
Publisher:IVL (Intercontinental Video Ltd.)
Screen: 1.33:1
No of Disk: 2
Region Code: All
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), English
Languages: Japanese
Video: NTSC
Audio: Vocal Stereo
Drop[DVD] (Date: 2016-02-02)
Publisher:IVL (Intercontinental Video Ltd.)
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 16:9
Region Code: 3
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified), English
Audio: Dolby Digital
Languages: Japanese
Video: NTSC