The eight installment in the "Maneater Series," Hybrid introduces a whole new maneating beast that howls under the moonlight and is eager to bite. When a young man is blinded in an explosion, he becomes the first human subject to undergo a cross-species transplant. Receiving the eyes of a wolf, he can now see in the dark. Unfortunately, he also starts seeing other humans as prey. Ordered to be hunted down and destroyed, he seeks shelter with a mysterious museum curator--a half-breed female herself. Hybrid delivers a snarling twist on the werewolf genre for an all new generation of animal lovers.
Hybrid[VCD] (Date: 2009-12-23)
Publisher:CN Entertainment Ltd
Screen: 1.33:1
No of Disk: 2
Region Code: All
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional)
Languages: English
Video: NTSC
Audio: Vocal Stereo
Hybrid[DVD] (Date: 2009-12-23)
Publisher:CN Entertainment Ltd
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 1.78:1
Region Code: 3
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified), English
Audio: Dolby Digital
Languages: English
Video: NTSC,DVD-5