The story took place after the Japanese surrendered and the civil war broke out earlier in 1946.
An underground worker for the Communist Party, Yu Zecheng (Sun Honglei), is an undetected spy within the Kuomintang (KMT) secret service. He has to keep his distance from his true love, Zuo Lan, in order to conceal his real identity and agrees to 'marry' Wang Cuiping (Yao Chen), a quick-tempered but straightforward guerrilla fighter from the countryside.
The two collaborate closely on this arranged yet fake marriage to help their organization obtain lots of important and valuable information from the KMT, however, they really fall in love with one another as the story develops.
With the liberation day impending, Cuiping, threatened by identity exposure, is asked to leave Yu and be transported somewhere else for security reasons.
When Yu is also about to leave, after successfully obtaining a crucial name list, he is taken away by the KMT secret police on a secret service assignment to Taiwan, where he has to spend the rest of his life, lurking.