Bite The Bullet is an epic Western adventure featuring an amazing award-winning cast. Directed by Robert Brooks (In Cold Blood, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof), the film's turn of the century tale of high stakes and harsh tests of endurance glorifies the kind of gutsy men and women who built this country.
Two-time Oscar winner Gene Hackman plays a former rough-rider who matches wits with a lovely but shady lady in distress (Oscar nominee Candice Bergen). Academy-Award winner James Coburn (1997 Best Supporting Actor, Affiction) is a drifting ex-cowboy who joins a gruelling 700-mile race and competes against a young, reckless cowboy (Jan-Michael Vincent), a haughty English sportsman (Oscar nominee Ian Bannen), and a gutsy Pony Express rider (Oscar winner Ben Johnson, 1971 Best Supporting Actor, The Last Picture Show). "Bite The Bullet is just about as perfect a screen entertainment as anyone could ask for."