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Alice's Restaurant: 50th Anniversary Edition (Arlo Guthrie) 2Vinyl - Soundtrack
Alice's Restaurant: 50th Anniversary Edition (Arlo Guthrie) 2Vinyl - Soundtrack

歌手: Soundtrack

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Alice's Restaurant: 50th Anniversary Edition (Arlo Guthrie) 2Vinyl - Soundtrack [CD] 
售價($): HK$243 (US$)

《愛麗絲的餐館》(Alice's Restaurant) 是 1969 年上映的美國喜劇電影,由 Arthur Penn 執導,Arlo Guthrie、Patricia Quinn 主演。
Arlo Guthrie 是一位偉大的民謠歌手,他最著名的歌曲就是"Alice's Restaurant",這首 18 分鐘 20 秒的歌曲取材自他的真實經歷,Arlo Guthrie 以敘事的方式幽默的陳述了一個離奇黑色幽默故事。後來 Arlo Guthrie 把這個故事拍成了電影《愛麗絲的餐館》(Alice's Restaurant),許多故事中的人物都由真實人物扮演,包括他自己。
為紀念這齣電影 50 週年,華納唱片隆重其事推出《Alice's Restaurant: 50th Anniversary Edition 》紀念版,Arlo Guthrie的樂迷必定不可錯過!!

Track Listings
1. Traveling Music - By Garry Sherman
2. Alice's Restaurant Massacree Part I
3. The Let Down - By Garry Sherman
4. Songs To Aging Children - By Trigger Outlaw
5. Amazing Grace - By Garry Sherman
6. Trip To The City - By Garry Sherman
7. Alice's Restaurant Massacree Part II
8. Crash Pad Improvs - By Garry Sherman
9. You're A Fink - By Al Schackman
10. Harps & Marriage - By Garry Sherman
11. Opening Credits (Amazing Grace)
12. Travelin' Guitars
13. Cafe Harris Rag
14. Revival Meeting (Amazing Grace)
15. Alice's Restaurant Radio Jingle
16. Pastures Of Plenty - By Pete Seeger
17. Car Song - By Pete Seeger & Arlo Guthrie
18. Big City Garbage
19. Wedding Festivities
20. Farewell (Alice's Restaurant)
21. End Title (Amazing Grace)
22. Alice's Restaurant: Multi-Color Rainbow Roach Affair,1968 - By Arlo Guthrie with Gene Shay
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 7.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 1


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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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