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The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - The Complete Recordings (5 Blue Vinyl) - Howard Shore
The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - The Complete Recordings (5 Blue Vinyl) - Howard Shore

歌手: Howard Shore

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The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - The Complete Recordings (5 Blue Vinyl) - Howard Shore [CD] 
售價($): HK$1354 (US$)

《The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers》推出 (2018 Remastered) 版本《The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers》The Complete Recordings 電影原聲專輯全集 (5Vinyl) ,限量發行,售完即止,喜歡 The Lord Of The Rings 的樂迷必定不可錯過!
Side 1
1. Glamdring
2. Elven Rope
3. Lost In Emyn Muil
4. My Precious
5. Ugluk's Warriors
6. The Three Hunters
Side 2
1. The Banishment of Éomer
2. Night Camp
3. The Plains Of Rohan
4. Fangorn
5. The Dead Marshes
Side 3
1. "Wraiths On Wings"
2. Gandalf the White
3. The Dreams Of Trees
4. The Heir of Numenor
Side 4
1. Ent-draught
2. Edoras
3. The Court Of Meduseld
4. Theoden King / "The Funeral of Theodred" (feat Miranda Otto)
5. The King's Decision
Side 5
1. Exodus From Edoras
2. The Forests Of Ithilien
3. One of the Dunedain / "Evenstar" (feat Isabel Bayrakdarian)
Side 6
1. The Wolves of Isengard
2. Refuge At Helm's Deep
3. The Voice Of Saruman
4. Arwen's Fate / "The Grace of the Valar" (feat. Sheila Chandra)
5. The Story Foretold
Side 7
1. Sons Of The Steward
2. Rock And Pool
3. Faramir's Good Council
4. Aragorn's Return
5. War Is Upon Us
Side 8
1. "Where Is The Horse And The Rider?"
2. The Host Of The Eldar
3. The Battle Of The Hornburg
4. The Breach Of The Deeping Wall
5. The Entmoot Decides
Side 9
1. Retreat / "Haldir's Lament" (feat. Elizabeth Fraser)
2. Master Peregrin's Plan
3. The Last March of the Ents (feat. Ben Del Maestro)
4. The Nazgul Attack
5. Theoden Rides Forth (feat Ben Del Maestro)
Side 10
1. The Tales That Really Matter
2. "Long Ways to Go Yet" / "Gollum's Song" (feat. Emiliana Torrini)
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 35.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 1


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The Lord Of The Rings:The Two Towers - The Complete Recordings (3CD+Blu-ray) - Howard Shore
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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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