Hollywood Musicals Music (CD) - Soundtrack
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讓你重溫 30-50 年代 Hollywood 歌舞巨星風采,完整重現華麗浪漫年代!
在 30 年代於百老匯中從事創作的作曲家和劇作家,包括 George & Ira Gershwin、Cole Porter、Rodgers and Hammerstein、Jerome Kern 等人來到百老匯投入歌舞片的創作。歌舞片同時也捧紅了一批至今依然為人津津樂道的明星:如 Fred Astaire 和 Ginger Rogers、Judy Garland、Gene
Kelly、Frank Sinatra 等人。
Track Listings
1. Singin' in the Rain
2. Aba Daba Honeymoon
3. A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody
4. Begin the Biguine
5. Honeysuckle Rose
6. It's a Most Unusual Day
7. Puttin' on the Ritz
8. Dear Mr Gable/You Make Me Love You
9. I Wanna Be Loved By You
10. By Myself
11. Well Did You Eyah ?
12. Hallelujah !
13. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
14. Triplets
15. I Got Rhythm
16. Girls, Girls, Girls
17. How You Has Jazz
18. Just One of Those Things
19. Swing My Mendelssohn
20. March of the Doagies
21. Shakin' the Blues Away
22. That's Entertainment