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Venetian Sacred Music * Gruppo Vocale e Strumentale Sine Nomine, Cappella Musicale Monteberico, Gruppo Vocale e Strume

演員: 純音樂

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威尼斯聖樂*聲樂和樂器組合「無名」,貝里克山禮拜堂音樂,聲樂和樂器組合「新曲」,馬西安娜學校及悅耳的季節 [CD] 
售價($): HK$247 (US$)
發行商:拿索斯國際(遠東) 唱片公司

The compilation contains works dating from the Middle Ages right through to the Baroque
period, and features a veritable who’s who of Italian composers (all of whom worked for the
cathedral at some point). From the medieval responsories based on Venetian chant (taken
from the Friulian liturgy) to de Quadris’ affecting two-voice Lamentations of Jeremiah setting,
the collection also contains a wealth of masterpieces representing what has been described
as a ‘golden age’ for the Basilica � in which a now vastly expanded corpus of musicians was
able to give rise to many large and imposing works such as Cavalli’s Messa Concertata of 1656
for two choruses and instruments.

Venice saw music as a means for ensuring its aggrandisement, and by the 1600s it had
achieved just this. Documenting a range of spellbinding textures, this absorbing release is a
chance to access the rich cultural heritage of a city that became the most glorious in Italy
during the 16th and 17th centuries.Contents:
The compilation contains works dating from the Middle Ages right through to the Baroque
period, and features a veritable who’s who of Italian composers (all of whom worked for the
cathedral at some point). From the medieval responsories based on Venetian chant (taken
from the Friulian liturgy) to de Quadris’ affecting two-voice Lamentations of Jeremiah setting,
the collection also contains a wealth of masterpieces representing what has been described
as a ‘golden age’ for the Basilica � in which a now vastly expanded corpus of musicians was
able to give rise to many large and imposing works such as Cavalli’s Messa Concertata of 1656
for two choruses and instruments.

Venice saw music as a means for ensuring its aggrandisement, and by the 1600s it had
achieved just this. Documenting a range of spellbinding textures, this absorbing release is a
chance to access the rich cultural heritage of a city that became the most glorious in Italy
during the 16th and 17th centuries.
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 2.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 1


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