Lots of laughs and great songs have made this all-time favorite based on the hit Broadway show one of the most memorable musicals of all time. When rock star and teenage heartthrob Conrad Birdie gets drafted, the nation's teenagers go haywire and Conrad's songwriter, Albert faces unemployment. So Albert and his girlfriend organize a nationwide contest in which one lucky girl wins a farewell kiss from Conrad on "The Ed Sullivan Show." Kim McAfee turns out to be the lucky teenager and Conrad's whole entourage moves into her quiet Midwestern home - much to the chagrin of her ever-irritable father and her jealous boyfriend. The result is chaos and a series of hilarious romantic complications
莫負青春[DVD] (日期:2008-07-30)
發行商:ERA Movies Ltd.
地區碼: 1
碟數: 1
地區碼: 3
音效: Dolby Digital
屏幕: Letter Box
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),韓文,英文,泰文,西班牙文,葡萄牙文
語言: 英語