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傳統與改變 / 絲路之聲 - 馬友友
Traditions and Transformations / Sounds of Silk Road Chicago - Yo-Yo Ma

演奏: 馬友友

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傳統與改變 / 絲路之聲 - 馬友友 [CD] 
售價($): HK$211 (US$)
發行商:Harmonia mundi

馬友友, 大提琴
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Silk Road Ensemble
Yo-Yo Ma cello
Wu Man pipa
Miguel Harth-Bedoya conductor
Alan Gilbert conductor
Bloch Schelomo Hebraic Rhapsody for Solo Cello and Large Orchestra
Sharav Legend of Herlen
Harrison Pipa Concerto
Prokofiev Scythian Suite, Op. 20

Traditions and Transformations: Sounds of Silk Road Chicago on CSO Resound is an aural record of Chicago remarkable yearlong journey, featuring a rich tapestry of musical works and passionate, virtuosic performances by cellist Yo-Yo Ma, the Silk Road Ensemble, pipa soloist Wu Man, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Miguel Harth-Bedoya and Alan Gilbert.
1. Schelomo, Hebraic Rhapsody For Solo Cello And Large Orchestra
2. Legend Of Herlen
3. Allegro
4. Troika
5. Three Sharing
6. 'Wind And Plum'
7. Neapolitan
8. Threnody For Richard Locke
9. Estampie
10. The Adoration Of Veles And Ala
11. The Enemy God And the Dance Of the Black Spirits
12. Night
13. Lolly's Glorius Departure And the Ceremonial Procession Of the Sun
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 1.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 1


Yo-Yo Ma: 30 Years Outside the Box (90CD) - 馬友友
Yo-Yo Ma: 30 Years Outside the Box (90CD) - Yo-Yo Ma

Songs of Joy & Peace - Yo-Yo Ma & Friends
Songs of Joy & Peace - Yo-Yo Ma & Friends

Songs of Joy & Peace (CD + DVD) (Limited Edition) - Yo-Yo Ma & Friends
Songs of Joy & Peace (CD + DVD) (Limited Edition) - Yo-Yo Ma & Friends

世紀典藏 - 馬友友 (中國版)
The Essential Yo-Yo Ma - Yo-Yo Ma (China Version)

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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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