HUGO 中国魔笛-陆春龄 - 喜报 (中国版)
1 潇湘银河 The silver-liked rivers xiao and xiang
2 小放牛 The little cowherd
3 喜报 Glad tidings
4 今昔 The present and the past
5 梅花三弄 Three variations of the plum blossom
6 行街 Wedding procession
7 欢乐歌 Happy time
8 中花六板 Zhong hua liu ban
9 鹧鸪飞 Flying partridge
10 关山月 Moon of the guan pass (古琴伴奏:陈金龙Qin accompanist:Chen,Jin-long)
笛子独奏:陆春龄 Dizi solo:Lu Chun-ling
1-5 上海民族乐团伴奏 指挥:夏云飞
Accompanied by the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra
Conductor:Xia Fei-yun
6-8 琵琶:马圣龙 二胡:周皓 扬琴:周惠