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25th Anniversary Remastered Deluxe Edition (CD+DVD+BD) - Yanni - Live at the Acropolis
25th Anniversary Remastered Deluxe Edition (CD+DVD+BD) - Yanni - Live at the Acropolis

歌手: Yanni

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25th Anniversary Remastered Deluxe Edition (CD+DVD+BD) - Yanni - Live at the Acropolis [CD] 
售价($): HK$238 (US$)
发行商:Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd.

音乐事业第一张 Live 特典,登上告示牌新世纪榜冠军+流行榜第 5 名,写下出道以来最高商业销售纪录。其炫目的灯光效果搭配,获得艾美奖「最佳综艺特别节目灯光设计╱灯光指导」肯定。25 周年纪念影音豪华盘,CD+DVD+BD 超值组合经典呈现,品质保证和严格操控,呈现如临现场的震撼效果。

1. Santorini
2. Keys to Imagination
3. Felitsa (BONUS)
4. The Rain Must Fall
5. Until the Last Moment
6. Acroyali
7. Standing in Motion
8. One Man’s Dream
9. Within Attraction
10. Nostalgia
11. The End of August (BONUS)
12. Swept Away
13. Reflections of Passion
14. Aria (BONUS)
1. Opening Credits
2. Santorini
3. Until the Last Moment
4. Keys to Imagination
5. The Rain Must Fall
6. Felitsa
7. Within Attraction
8. One Man's Dream
9. Marching Season
10. Nostalgia
11. Acroyali / Standing In Motion
12. Aria
13. Reflections of Passion
14. Swept Away
15. The End of August
16. End Credits

17-19. Original Bonus Content 20-26. Bonus Interview With Yanni
1. Opening Credits
2. Santorini
3. Until the Last Moment
4. Keys to Imagination
5. The Rain Must Fall
6. Felitsa
7. Within Attraction
8. One Man's Dream
9. Marching Season
10. Nostalgia
11. Acroyali / Standing In Motion
12. Aria
13. Reflections of Passion
14. Swept Away
15. The End of August
16. End Credits
17-19. Original Bonus Content
20-26. Bonus Interview With Yanni

* 5.1 Surround Sound
* Exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the making of Yanni Life At The Acropolis
* Backstage interviews with Yanni and members of his band
* 25 min.Interview with Yanni in HD (full 1080p)
* Extra Audio, Digitally Remastered and Remixed by Yanni for Full 5.1
* Photo Gallery
数量: X
存货状态: 订货(3至6天出货)
(运费 2.0 货运单位(DU)计算)

总数: 1


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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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