Yanni-Live at El Morro Puerto Rico (CD+DVD)
发行商:Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd.
收录Yanni去年12月于波多黎各EI Morro举行之两场演奏会而成Yanni更为首个于UNESCO Heritage Site举行演奏会之一人精彩作品包括:Felista,voyage,nightingale,the end of august等等
Track Listings
1. Truth of Touch
2. Vertigo
3. End of August
4. Rain Must Fall
5. Felitsa
6. Voyage
7. Nightingale
8. Ode to Humanity
9. Niki Nana
10. One Man's Dream
Disc 2
1. Opening (Standing in Motion)
2. Truth of Touch
3. Vertigo
4. End of August
5. Rain Must Fall
6. Felitsa
7. Voyage
8. Nightingale
9. Harp Solo
10. Ode to Humanity
11. Niki Nana
12. One Man's Dream
13. Nine