内容: William Shakespeare's classic tale of two starcrossed lovers is beautifully recreated in this 1954 version of Romeo & Juliet. Filmed entirely in Italy, director-screenwriter Renato Castellani captures engaging performances from Laurence Harvey (Romeo) and Susan Shentall (Juliet) amid the gorgeous backdrop used to 15th century Verona. Winner of the Venice Film Festival's Grand Prix Award, edging out La Strada and On The Waterfront, this film continues to be a highly regarded authentic adaptation of one of Shakespeare's finest works.
罗蜜欧与茱丽叶[DVD] (日期:2000-03-31)
发行商:Sino Field Holding Ltd.
碟數: 1
屏幕: 1.33:1
地区码: All
音效: Dolby Digital
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),英文,印尼文
語言: 英語