Exchange Rate Ref.: US$1 = HK$7.8 RMB$1 = HK$1.1
Total Number of Records: 2 |
Grammy Nominees 2008 - Various Artists
Singer : Justin Timberlake Winehouse, Amy Beyonc' e Foo Fighters Maroon 5 Feist Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Christina Aguilera Furtado, Nelly Herbie hancock Carrie Underwood Plain White T' Rae, Corinne Bailey Green Day Daughtry Nickelback U2
[CD](851515)HK$125(US$16.1)[Released] Buy
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Teddy Goes To The Movies (CD+DVD) (Special Edition)
Singer : Pao, Eugene Gagnon, Sylvain Lo, Ted Garcia, Roel Ashley, Donald Kung, Jun Paul McCartney Juber, Laurence
[CD](850236)HK$105(US$13.5)[Out of Stock]
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Total Number of Records: 12 |
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