The early 1930's. Manchuria is in the occupation of Japan when the League of Nations rejected their proposal for non-racial discrimination. This led to Japan walking out of the League of Nations. On the home islands severe famine wracked the countryside. The Depression, tariffs, boycotts and widespread unemployment contributed to the growing sense of futility and anger at those who manipulated events to line their own pockets. A group of junior officers decided to wipe out the corrupt elements and ask his majesty to form a new government headed by dedicated military men who would bring justice and good government to all. The young rebels marched through the bitterly cold snow that blanketed Tokyo. They steeled themselves for what would follow, never imagining that their rendezvous with history would end as it did...
Four Days Of Snow And Blood[VCD] (Date: 2006-04-21)
Publisher:Panorama Distributions Co. Ltd.
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 1.33:1
Region Code: All
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional)
Languages: Japanese
Video: NTSC
Audio: Vocal Stereo