Disney's hit comedy-adventure Mr. Magoo, based on the classic cartoon series, comes to life with wacky favorite Leslie Nielson as the visually challenged millionaire. Magoo, the unlikeliest of action heroes, is on the trail of a ring of international jewel thieves. In his own clueless way, he unwittingly cooks up 1001 unbridled laughs--especially when he disguises himself as the world's ugliest bride, and tries to drive a giant Eggplantmobile!
Disney's hit comedy-adventure Mr. Magoo, based on the classic cartoon series, comes to life with wacky favorite Leslie Nielson as the visually challenged millionaire. Magoo, the unlikeliest of action heroes, is on the trail of a ring of international jewel thieves. In his own clueless way, he unwittingly cooks up 1001 unbridled laughs--especially when he disguises himself as the world's ugliest bride, and tries to drive a giant Eggplantmobile!