Enough with violent and eye-frowning pitiful humors! We now have a clever and enjoyable comedy. [Reversal of Fortune] is it. A unique setting of two interchanged worlds combined with perky characters and warm laughter will change Korean comedy for good. Unlike past Korean comedy features with inappropriate language and pitiful humors, [Reversal of Fortune] presents a whole new fresh comedy.. A comic episode of the star KANG Seung-wan?s maneuver in and out of two worlds presents to the Korean audience a world never-before-seen. This film will trigger a turnover of the entire Korean film industry in 2003.
Reversal Of Fortune (Korean Version)[DVD] (Date: 2003-08-27)
No of Disk: 1
Region Code: 3
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
Languages: Korean
Subtitle: Korean, English
Video: NTSC
Screen: Widescreen,2.35:1