Another heartwarming gem from the creator of the Tora-san series, Yamada Yoji. This time round, the story of an ex-murderer on parole trying to make his way home to Hokkaido to meet his wife is handled with poignancy and great sensitivity. Adapted from a short story by the American novelist Peter Hamill, the film was both a huge hit in Japan and a critical success. Unashamedly sentimental, this tragic-comedy represents Yamada at the peak of his creative ability. It also features remarkable performances from every member of its cast: the stoic and Humphrey-Bogart-like Takakura Ken, the benevolent Baisho Chieko (Tora-sans young sister), the irresistibly funny Takeda Tetsuya and the untamable Momoi Karoi. In short: this is one film you cannot afford to miss!