Sister a green (Haruka Kiminami ornament) in the arrangement of the upcoming dismantling Tokyo home, an unexpected discovery of a red wooden box, which contains some old letters left by the mother and branch of the past 20 years ago (Kawai Michiko) and a Taiwan food recipe. A beautiful father (Wu Pengfeng) is Taiwanese, his mother is Japanese, a green childhood, and his mother lived in Taiwan with his father. In an unfamiliar environment, the mother tried hard to adapt herself, and studied different dishes in Taiwan with her neighbor's wife.
After the birth of his sister Hitoto Yo (Fujimoto Izumi), his family moved to Tokyo, but soon the father passed away, leaving three mothers and daughters together. Although life is tough, a cheerful and strong mother insists on purchasing food and cooking in Japan everyday, remembering the taste of Taiwan for her daughter. The mother's food is even the two sisters' daily heart food, full of family love memories. Later, the mother died of illness, so that the two daughters out of the pain is still the last meal mom's taste in the fridge. 20 years after her mother's death, her sister two knew the secret of her mother in front of her mother's tomb and decided to go to her hometown, Taiwan, to find her hidden heart in the recipe.