Synopsis: Japan's finest artists reimagine Batman and his adversaries in this groundbreaking anime feature. In an all-new story, The Dark Knight travels to a land ruled by sword-wielding samurai and ninja assassins. Beginning in Gotham City, Gorilla Grodd??s time-displacement machine malfunctions, sending a crazed cast of tyrannical villains back in time to terrorize medieval Japan. The most depraved is Lord Joker, who seeks total domination of the feudal states and the final elimination of the legendary Batman. With his arsenal of tech diminishing, can The Caped Crusader gain the advantage to keep Lord Joker and the others from rewriting history? Watch as an ancient legend comes to life in this stunningly realized, adrenaline-fueled addition to the Batman saga.
BATMAN NINJA[DVD] (Date: 2024-01-02)
Publisher:Warner Home Video
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 1.85:1
Region Code: 3
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional),English,Finnish,Portuguese,Spanish
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
Languages: English,French,Portuguese,Spanish
Video: NTSC,DVD-9