Synopsis: Kamen Rider is teaming up with Super Sentai for the ultimate superhero collaboration in Super Hero Taisen, a crossover film that finally brings the two franchises together. In addition to characters from the Kamen Rider Decade and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger series, the epic superhero extravaganza also features characters from other Kamen Rider series and the Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters series.
This time, Captain Marvelous has betrayed the Gokaigers and taken the leader spot of the Zangyack. Renamed Dai-Zangyacks, the alien forces plan to take unite all former Gokaiger enemies to take the Great Powers of the Kamen Riders. Meanwhile, the ambitious Kadoya Tsukasa reclaims the leadership position of the Dai-Shockers and plans to take down the Super Sentai team. Now, both the Super Sentai and the Kamen Riders have to team up to take down all their enemies in one explosive battle.
DVD Included:
- "Kamen Rider OOO" Ganbaride card