Story revolves around the 'red thread of fate' connecting the young pair, Mei (Nao Minamisawa) and Atsushi (Junpei Mizobata) and the trials they face during their high school period. Their romance blossoms when she meets a gentle-natured boy named Atsushi during a school trip to Nagasaki with close camaraderie of her school friends. The two begin to realise that they share many things in common that seem to transcend mere coincidence. Feeling a bond of fate, they grow closer. However, destiny can have a dark side to it too.
Threads of Destiny[VCD] (Date: 2010-06-15)
Publisher:IVL (Intercontinental Video Ltd.)
Screen: 1.33:1
No of Disk: 2
Region Code: All
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), English
Languages: Japanese
Video: NTSC
Audio: Vocal Stereo
Threads of Destiny[DVD] (Date: 2012-12-01)
Publisher:IVL (Intercontinental Video Ltd.)
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 16:9
Region Code: 3
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified), English
Audio: Dolby Digital
Languages: Japanese
Video: NTSC