The story of the Three Wishes is written by the Brothers Grimm, from Germany . It depicts the life of a couple who were granted three wishes by their god, Jupiter. The greedy couple were quarreling with each other over the wishes and in their foolishness, said the wrong words and wasted all the three wishes. This story reminds us to be an upright and honest person. One should learn to appreciate and make good use of all the possessions before our very eyes. Being too greedy will only make you lose more.
Let Me Talk [14] The Three Wishes[VCD] (Date: 2009-01-09)
Publisher:Starlight Int. (HK) Ltd.
No of Disk: 1
Screen: 1.33:1
Region Code: All
Languages: Cantonese,Mandarin,English
Subtitle: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified), English
Audio: Mono
Video: NTSC