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Dream Songs: The Essential Joe Hisaishi (2CD) - Joe Hisaishi 久石*
Dream Songs: The Essential Joe Hisaishi (2CD) - Joe Hisaishi

作者: 久石讓

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Dream Songs: The Essential Joe Hisaishi (2CD) - Joe Hisaishi 久石* [CD] 
售價($): HK$174 (US$)
發行商:Universe Music

1. One Summers Day (from Spirited Away)
2. Kikis Delivery Service (from Kikis Delivery Service)
3. Summer (from Kikujiro)
4. Il porco rosso (from Porco Rosso)
5. Madness (from Porco Rosso)
6. Water Traveller (from Water Traveler ?C Samurai Kids)
7. Oriental Wind
8. Silent Love (from A Scene at the Sea)
9. Departures (from Departures)
10. XPrincess Mononoke Suite( from Princess Mononoke)
11. The Procession of Celestial Beings (from The Tale of Princess Kaguya)
12. My Neighbour TOTORO (from My Neighbor Totoro)
13. Ballade (from BROTHER)
14. KIDS RETURN (from Kids Return)
15. Asian Dream Song
16. Birthday
17. Innocent (from Castle in the Sky)
18. Fantaisa (for Nausicaa)(from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)
19. HANA\BI (from HANA\BI)
20. The Wind Forest (from My Neighbor Totoro)
21. Angel Springs
22. Nostalgia
23. Spring
24. The Wind of Life
25. Ashitaka and San (from Princess Mononoke)
26. Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea (from Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea)
27. Cinema Nostalgia
28. Merry\Go\Round (from Howls Moving Castle)
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 1.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 1


JP Version Dream Songs:The Essential Joe Hisaishi - Joe Hisaishi (2CD)
JP Version Dream Songs:The Essential Joe Hisaishi - Joe Hisaishi (2CD)

安可曲 (18再版) - 久石讓 (中國版)
Encore (18 reprint ) - Joe hisaishi (China Version)

花都舞影 (18再版) - 久石讓&新日本愛樂世界夢幻交響樂團 (中國版)
Huadu dance shadow (18 reprint) - Joe hisaishi & new Japanese philharmonic world dream symphony orchestra (China Version

鋼琴故事系列II 生命之風 (18再版) - 久石讓 (中國版)
Piano story series II wind of life (18 reprint ) - Joe hisaishi (China Version)

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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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