Ready Player One: Songs From The Motion Picture 挑戰者 1 號 - O.S.T.
發行商:Universe Music
Ready Player One: Songs From The Motion Picture, featuring classic songs from the film
including &Stayin' Alive* by the Bee Gees, &Stand On It* by Bruce Springsteen and Prince*s &I
Wanna Be Your Lover*, plus many more hits!
妢枑煉﹞妢ぁ惜 (Steven Spielberg) ??褪酵簸蕔?荌 Ready
Player One ▲泔?氪 1 ?◎, Original Soundtrack 菴媼梒, 1CD 彶?え笢堤政腔70,80 爛測?萎踢⑻! 婦嬤§Stayin* Alive§ (Bee Gees), ※Blue Monday§ (New Order),※One Way Or Another§ (Blondie), ※Stand On It§ (Bruce Springsteen) 摯§I Wanna Be
Your Lover§ (Prince) 脹.
1CD 閉硉?追俴!
1. "I Wanna Be Your Lover§ 坼 Prince
2. "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" 坼
Tears For Fears
3. "Just My Imagination (Running Away
With Me)" 坼 The Temptations
4. "Stand On It" 坼 Bruce Springsteen
5. "One Way Or Another" 坼 Blondie
6. "Can't Hide Love" 坼 Earth, Wind & Fire
7. "Blue Monday" 坼 New Order
8. "Stayin' Alive" 坼 Bee Gees
9. "We're Not Gonna Take It" 坼 Twisted
10. "You Make My Dreams§ 坼 Daryl Hall &
John Oates
11. ※Pure Imagination§ 每 Bryan Nguyen
feat. Merethe Soltvedt