Wait For Me (2CD+DVD) (Ltd. Deluxe Edition) - Moby
MOBY最新專輯〈Wait For Me〉現推出【2CD + DVD】限量豪華特別版,將專輯整體性概念,從聽覺延展至視覺!並以特價發售!
- CD1:加收最新主打單曲〈One Time We Lived〉與〈Stay Down〉兩首全新作品
- CD2:炮製出新輯16首全新Ambient版本,一氣喝成
- DVD:爆碟收錄四場現場演出,幕後專訪,Little Idiot風趣動漫QA,「等一下Blip」系列動漫,以及五首音樂錄影帶
CD 1
1. Division
2. Pale Horses
3. Shot In The Back Of The Head
4. Study War
5. Walk With Me
6. Stock Radio
7. Mistake
8. Scream Pilots
9. Jltf 1
10. Jltf
11. A Seated Night
12. Wait For Me
13. Hope Is Gone
14. Ghost Return
15. Slow Light
16. Isolate
17. One Time We Lived
18. Stay Down
CD 2
1. A Seated Night
2. Study War
3. Pale Horses
4. Stay Down
5. Hope Is Gone
6. Wait For Me
7. Division
8. Mistake
9. Walk With Me
10. Isolate
11. Shot In The Back Of The Head
12. Slow Light 1
13. Ghost Return
14. Scream Pilots
15. Jltf3
16. Slow Light 2
1. Raining Again
2. Bodyrock
3. Pale horses
4. Sitboth
5. Mistake
6. We Are All Made Of Stars
7. Feeling So Real
8. Go
9. Life Me Up
10. Walk With Me
11. Moby At Matter
12. Animated Q&A
13. Shot In The Back Of The Head
14. Pale Horses
15. Mistake
16. Mistake
17. Mistake
18. Blips