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Beautiful World Live - Take That
Beautiful World Live - Take That

歌手: Take That

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07年超精彩LIVE Take That 回歸樂壇後大熱Beautiful World Four首批雙碟上市!!

Tracklist Disc 1
1. Overture: Wiegenlied Op. 41, No 1 (Stereo) , (Surround Sound)
2. Reach Out Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
3. It Only Takes A Minute Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
4. Beautiful World Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
5. Patience Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
6. Hold On Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
7. I'd Wait For Life Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
8. Relight My Fire Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
9. Epilogue
10. Narrative Intro (Stereo) , (Surround Sound)
11. Shooting Star
12. Rule The World Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
13. Could It Be Magic Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
14. Back For Good Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live! at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
15. Everything Changes Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
16. Wooden Boat Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
17. Give Good Feeling (Sonic Fly Mix) Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , (Sonic Fly Mix) Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound) 18. Sure Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
19. Never Forget Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
20. Shine Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)
21. Pray Live at the O2 Arena (Stereo) , Live at the O2 Arena (Surround Sound)

Disc 2
2.Photogallery (Bonus)


Beautiful World Live - Take That (藍光版) [Blu-ray] 
售價($): HK$190 (US$)
發行商:Universe Music

解像度: 1080p
碟數: 2
地區碼: A
音效: DTS-HD Master Audio
影像: NTSC
字幕: 沒有字幕
語言: 英語
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 1.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

Beautiful World Live (2DVD) - Take That [DVD] 
售價($): HK$191 (US$)
發行商:Universe Music

屏幕: 1.33:1
碟數: 2
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital
影像: NTSC
字幕: 沒有字幕
語言: 英語
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 1.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 2


Take That & Party
Take That & Party

Take That Berlin
Take That Berlin


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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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