星球大戰前傳III—黑帝君臨 (電影原聲大碟) (CD + DVD - 首批限量版)[CD] (日期:2005-05-03)
發行商:Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Disc 1:
1. Star Wars and The Revenge Of The Sith
2. Anakin's Dream
3. Battle Of The Heroes
4. Anakin's Betrayal
5. General Grievous
6. Palpatine's Teachings
7. Grievous and the Droids
8. Padme's Ruminations
9. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan
10. Anakin's Dark Deeds
11. Enter Lord Vader
12. The Immolation Scene
13. Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious
14. The Birth Of The Twins and Padme's Destiny
15. A New Hope and End Credits
Disc 2:
1. Long Time Ago: Star Wars Main Title (from Star Wars) [DVD]
2. Dark Forces Conspire: Duel of the Fates (from Episode I: The Phantom Menace)
3. Hero Rises: Anakin's Theme (from Episode I: The Phantom Menace) [DVD]
4. Fateful Love: Across the Stars (from Episode II: Attack of the Clones)
5. Hero Falls (from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith) [DVD]
6. Empire Is Forged: The Imperial March (from Episode V: The Empire Strike Back)
7. Planet That Is Farthest From: The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler
8. Unlikely Alliance: Binary Sunset/Cantina Band (from Episode IV: A New Hope)
9. Defender Emerges: Princess Leia's Theme (from Episode IV: A New Hope)
10. Daring Rescue: Ben's Death/Tie Fighter Attack (from Episode IV: A New Hope)
11. Jedi Is Trained: Yoda's Theme (from Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)
12. Narrow Escape: The Asteroid Field (from Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)
13. Bond Unbroken: Luke and Leia (from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi) [DVD]
14. Sanctuary Moon: The Forest Battle (from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi)
15. Life Redeemed: Light of the Force (from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi)
16. New Day Dawns: Throne Room/Finale (from Episode IV: A New Hope) [DVD]
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