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Land Warfare in the information age
Nowhere is the power and sophistication of today's technology more evident than on the modern battlefield. The tank, still occupies center stage. Artillery, infantry and air support, most notably the attack helicopter, still provide the muscle. Today's tanks such as the M1 Abrams and the Russian T-80, are faster, more maneuverable, and better armored to with stand the ferocious firepower of current anti-tank missiles, projectiles and bombs. Infantry is more mobile and mechanized, riding into combat in sophisticated armored vehicles. Even with these improvements, the role that combat forces play in land warfare remains as important as ever. It is the battlefield itself that has changed. Information, reliable and real time, has become as important as bullets in modern land warfare.
Chart the course of land warfare as HIGH-TECH BATTLEFIELD takes us on a journey where tommrrow's warrions engag