產品語言: 英語
01. Baa Baa Black Sheep
02. London bridge is falling down
03. Mary had a little lamb
04. Auld lane syne
05. Doll of clay
06. Rockabye Baby
07. Fly fly Butterfly
08. Two Little Dicky birds
09. Miss dolly Had A dolly
10. Little sunny water
11. There was an old lady
12. Each for the sky
13. This old man and old lady
14. There was A crooked man
15. Friends
16. Six little ducks
17. Boys and girls come out to play
18. Colour of the song
19. Day of the week
20. Lazy Mary
21. D Mother hubbard
22. Hush little baby
23. Jack benimble
24. Cobbler Cobbler
25. Butterfly
26. Cock - A - Doodle - Doo
27. He Got the whole world in his hand
28. Once I Saw A little bird
29. Mary mary quite contrary
30. Tow tugers