產品語言: 英語
01. ABC Song
02. Row Row Row Your Boat
03. The more we get together
04. Once I caught a fish alive
05. If you are happy
06. Ring - A -Ring of roses
07. Here we go round the mulberry bush
08. The farmer's in the dell
09. Laveder's Blue's
10. Home on the range
11. Froggie froggie
12. Good Bye little fish
13. Jack and Jill went up the hill
14. Three Blind mice
15. Polly put the kettle on
16. I Had a little nut tree
17. Sing a song sixpence
18. Pussy cat pussy cat
19. Hickory Dickory Dock
20. On Dear! What can the matter
21. Ding dong Bell
22. The name game
23. Little Jack Horner
24. The Train
25. I Have two hands
26. When I Was a young girl
27. Small circle Big circle
28. I sent a letter to my friend
29. Catch a falling star
30. Long long Ago