分級:OAT II 片長:65分鐘
內容: You know all those things you've come to expect from a Jim Holiday feature? Well, trash'em-that is, with the exception of sizzling sex--because Holiday has taken a complete departure in NOT THE LOVIN'KIND. Gone are all the in-jokes and kinky caricatures of nurse and cheerleaders, only to be replaced by something completelyunexoected....this is Shyla La Veaux's sining hour--her signature movie--as she plays a modern woman searcing for love in all the worng places. from an unbelievable gril-girl encounter with Jill Kelly to three backdoor slammings. Shayla proves that she is, indeed, one of the greatest erotic superstars of all time-in a movie as shockingly real as it is nasty.