Greenskeeper Carl Spackler is about to start World War III — against a gopher. Pompous Judge Smails plays to win but his nubile niece Lacey Underall wants to score her own way. Playboy Ty Webb shoots perfect golf by becoming the ball. And country club loudmouth Al Czervik just doubled a $20,000 bet on a 10-foot putt. Insanity? No. Caddyshack.Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Bill Murray and Ted Knight tee off for a side-splitting round of fairway foolishness that does for golf what National Lampoon's Animal House did for fraternities and Police Academy did for law enforcement. With hitmaker Harold Ramis (National Lampoon's Vacation, Groundhog Day) in the director's chair, the virtuoso comic skills of all four blend into a riotous hole-in-one for comedy fans.In Caddyshack, the term “golf nut” takes on a deranged double meaning - and nonstop laughter is par for the course!