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Lady Bird - Soundtrack from the Motion Picture - VA
Lady Bird - Soundtrack from the Motion Picture - VA

歌手: 群星

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Lady Bird - Soundtrack from the Motion Picture - VA [CD] 
售價($): HK$115 (US$)
發行商:Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd.

受電影人高度評價,榮獲第 75 屆金球獎影后、喜劇或音樂類最佳電影 ,現推出電影原聲大碟 CD 版,大碟由知名音樂人 JON BRION 主理。
1 Prayer of St. Francis Julie
2 Hand In My Pocket Alanis Morissette
3 Little of Your Love HAIM
4 Panis Angelicus Adolf Fredrik Girls Choir
5 'It's given to me - by me' Lady Bird
6 Days of Steam John Cale
7 As We Go Along The Monkees
8 'Center of Attention' Julie
9 Overture Merrily We Roll Along Orchestra;Paul Gemignani
10 Crash into Me Dave Matthews Band
11 Happy Birthday Altered Images
12 'City College' Marion McPherson
13 Snoop Dog, Baby Reel Big Fish
14 Always See Your Face Love
15 The Nutcracker Ballet, Op. 71: No. 13. Waltz of the Flowers Leonard Slatkin
16 This Eve of Parting John Hartford
17 'Wrong Side of the Tracks' Danny
18 Little Plastic Castle Ani Difranco
19 Tha Crossroads Bone Thugs-n-Harmony
20 Rosa Mystica University of Notre Dame Folk Choir
21 'Let's Just Sit' Marion McPherson
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 1.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 1


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