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The Little Mermaid - The Legacy Collection - OST
The Little Mermaid - The Legacy Collection - OST

歌手: 電影原聲

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The Little Mermaid - The Legacy Collection - OST [CD] 
售價($): HK$142 (US$)
發行商:Universe Music

disc 1
01 Fathoms Below Ship's Chorus
02 Main Titles (Score)
03 Fanfare (Score)
04 Daughters of Triton Daughters of Triton
05 Intro Ariel (Score)
06 Intro Ursula (Score)
07 Triton Reprimands (Score)
08 Sebastian's Dilemma (Score)
09 Part of Your World Jodi Benson
10 Fireworks (Score)
11 The Storm (Score)
12 Part of Your World (Reprise) / Ursula Plots Jodi Benson
13 Ariel in Love (Score)
14 Under the Sea Samuel E. Wright
15 Sebastian and Triton (Score)
16 Destroying the Grotto (Score)
17 Flotsam and Jetsam (Score)
18 Ursula's Lair (Score)
19 Poor Unfortunate Souls Pat Carroll
20 She's Got Legs (Score)
21 Sebastian Relents (Score)
22 On Land (Score)
23 Miss Manners (Score)
24 Les Poissons RenE Auberjonois
25 Crab On a Plate / Bedtime (Score)
26 Tour of the Kingdom (Score)
27 Kiss the Girl Samuel E. Wright
28 Ariel Left Behind (Score)
29 Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise) Pat Carroll
30 The Truth (Score)
31 Interrupting the Wedding / Ursula's Defeat (Score)
32 Happy Ending the Disney Chorus
disc 2
01 Fathoms Below Work Tape Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
02 Daughters of Triton (Synth Demo) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
03 Part of Your World (Synth Demo) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
04 Fireworks / The Gigue (Score) (Piano Demo)
05 The Storm (Score) (Piano Demo)
06 Under the Sea (Synth Demo) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
07 Poor Unfortunate Souls (Basic Synth Demo) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
08 Poor Unfortunate Souls (Final Synth Mockup) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
09 Les Poissons (Work Tape Demo) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
10 Les Poissons (Synth Demo) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
11 Kiss the Girl (Synth Demo B) Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
12 Happy Ending Score (Piano Demo)
數量: X
存貨狀態: 訂貨(3至6天出貨)
(運費 1.0 貨運單位(DU)計算)

總數: 1


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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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